Late Night Feedings

Tales from the crib: life with Sophie, Lilah, and Jude
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why I don't update more than every couple of weeks:

People have been asking for new posts. Not surprisingly, none of these people has a newborn baby. Those that do have babies probably have never even had time to read my blog in the first place. Go figure. Here are some reasons why you should not expect frequent posts and why you should not even bother telling me to post more often:

There are precious few moments when Sophie is sleeping or playing by herself happily. When this occurs, first I pick myself off the floor from falling down out of pure shock that she is not crying or wanting to be held. Then, I have a hierarchy of things that I try to accomplish. They are (in order of priority):
1. brush my teeth
2. take a shower
3. eat something
4. clean up when I can no longer see the floor
5. wash dishes when I am out of clean ones
6. do laundry when we are out of clean clothes
7. catch up on phone calls
8. update this blog

Many days I do not get past #3. As you can now understand, updating this blog is not a top priority and should not be expected of me. You will only be disappointed if you check here daily.

Also, as many of you know, my laptop died. Shimmy has pronounced it officially dead with no chances of resuscitation. I have to work in the office on an old, slow, and stationary computer. It will probably be this way for a long, long time.

There. Now that I have explained myself, it is back to my hierarchical list. Time to switch loads of laundry and wash dishes before that little stinker wakes up.

1 comment:

Rina Pritikin said...

I just love love LOVE reading your posts, even if they are few and far between!