...or why getting anywhere/doing anything is near impossible.
Just to give you a glimpse into my life, here is a rundown of a typical day (this past Tuesday in fact):
Sophie had been consistently waking up at about 8 am for close to a week. So Monday night when I made plans to go swimming with a friend, I thought 10 am would give us plenty of time to eat, play, get ready, etc. Only Sophie decided to sleep until 9. Which would have been great had we not had plans at 10. Sophie ate a leisurely breakfast, stopping every couple of min to smile and babble at me. By now we were running pretty late. I shovelled rice cereal in her little mouth, hoping she'd actually swallow some of it and not just wear it on her face. I squeezed her little polka-dotted bathing suit on her, slapped some sunscreen, and off we went. Miraculously we arrived only about 10 minutes late. We had a great time and left about 12:30pm. I had several errands to run, but (foolishly) thought we had the whole afternoon ahead of us. We got home and ate lunch and then our daily battle of trying to get Sophie to nap begun. I lost as usual and ended up with an over-tired baby who would only rest (not actually sleep) in bed with me (not in a crib, swing, stroller, etc.). At 4:30pm I was finally able to quickly get us ready to leave the house. I picked the most important of the errands since it was so late- the grocery store. We got to the grocery store and I put on the baby bjorn, which is the only method of intra-store transportation Sophie will tolerate nowadays. I took her out of her car seat and turned her around to put her in the baby bjorn and caught a whiff of her tush. In the 3 min we were in the car she had managed to drop a nice baby load in her diaper. I sighed, took off the baby bjorn, unpacked half of the diaper bag, laid Sophie down in the backseat of the car, and changed her. Then I put everything back in the diaper bag, put the baby bjorn back on, and put her in it. By the time we got home and put the groceries away it was time for dinner, a bath, a bottle, and bedtime (see previous post). And you know what? The fact that we went swimming AND went to the grocery store in the same day made it a phenomenally productive day.