Now that she has turned 6 months it seems we are experiencing more of the magic. She miraculously started napping this week IN HER CRIB, AT LEAST ONCE A DAY, FOR AT LEAST AN HOUR AND A HALF. She also doesn't mind being on her tummy as much, which is awesome because we thought she would never crawl and we'd have to carry her around forever.

She is now eating solids. She started rice cereal 2 weeks ago and ate green beans last night for dinner (is she really my child?).

She had her 6 month appointment yesterday and is growing by leaps and bounds! She is now in the 75% for length and the 25% for weight. As the nurse put it, "she is tall and thin," neither of which she gets from me.
Sophie is so cute! I love the new pics of her! You are the best blogger ever!
SO CUTE!!! I love the blog and the pics. She has your eyes Shevas :)
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