And of course in a box, in some socks, with a fox, eating lox, etc. etc. Statistics, chemistry, and even some Jewish history went out the window a long time ago, but Dr. Seuss will stick with me forever.
Sophie is now 9 months old, which means she has been outside of me as long as she was inside. She is SOOO BIG. You would never believe she used to be 6 pounds and have toothpick legs. She is finally moving, although her method of transportation is scooting backwards. On her tummy, not on her knees. And whenever she feels like it, which is once or twice a day. But hey, you gotta start somewhere. She has 3 teeth (2 front bottoms and 1 front top) and many more are on their way. She loves playing with other kids and has had several recent play dates (pictures and more details in upcoming posts).
And as for my every three months theory: The most notable strides since 6 months have been the scooting and the nicety and convenience of the fact that she eats real food (i.e., a nice serving of cholent, a piece of challah, and 1.5 pieces of sweet potato pie at a recent shabbat lunch out). These aren't as big accomplishments as the ones that accompanied 3 and 6 months (see previous entries for details), but the point is that Sophie is growing and changing way too fast!
On an administrative note, I feel like I am bursting with things to blog about. Every day I make a mental note to put to pen (keyboard) things I observe and ponder. But the day just isn't long enough. And Shimmy steals the lap top when he comes home from work. However, I have decided to write as many entries as I can, each with its own separate topic ASAP. Over the next couple of days, be prepared for a blog overload!
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