Lilah has her doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I'll have to update with her stats, but here are my own observations:
-She has been sleeping through the night for almost a week, last night sleeping for a consecutive *9* hours. Woohoo!
-She is already in size 3-6 month clothes. Her little legs could not extend all the way in the 0-3 month clothes with footies, so I'm going to pack them away. Packing away baby clothes always makes me a little sad. I always wonder if I'll get to use them again.
-She smiles! Regularly! Without impending gas! It is sooo precious!
And what about Miss Sophie?
-No more head to toe blue clothes THANK GOD. She is now favoring her "red dress," which is actually pink.
-She is obsessed with the show Caillou, which I hate hate hate. Hopefully it is just another phase and this too shall pass.
-She is really impressing me with her knowledge of songs. I have caught her singing HaTikvah several times, and she knows almost all of the words (which is more than I can say for many adults that I know).
-She is at the verrrrrrrry early stages of potty training. She'll sit on the potty, but hasn't done anything yet. I'm taking a very laid back approach to potty training. My psychology and social work degrees won't let me feel otherwise. It's not worth messing with someone's psyche for the rest of their lives over. She'll get it when she gets it.
This past weekend we had Lilah's kiddush. It was nice. We really enjoyed the company of the friends and family who stayed with us. Lilah wore the same dress that Sophie wore to her kiddush, which was a handmade lace dress that we bought in Venice way before we ever had kids. I had hoped one day I would have a daughter who would wear it. I have been lucky enough to have two daughters to wear it! I redressed the girls in their dresses on Sunday and took some pictures: