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Tales from the crib: life with Sophie, Lilah, and Jude
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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Old house when we bought it in August 2004

New house when we first looked at it in October 2008

I wanted to get in one last post before the Big Move (on Sunday), and I wasn't sure how long it would take me to finish writing it, so I'm starting it today (Tuesday). The snow set us back about a week in terms of the construction, but we are keeping our moving date and will just deal with the construction for the first week we're in. The things they are finishing up are not major things, so I think we'll be able to deal with it. Most annoying will be the mess. The floors will have just been refinished and I won't have time to clean up whatever dust is floating around. This is really stressing me out. Who wants to move into a dusty house? I guess I'll try to get to our bedrooms the night before we move, and everything else will have to wait.

I am so excited to move into the "new" house. It's a better house for us. It will be a nice new beginning. The beginning of no clutter (I am serious about this one- no excuses people! There are 2 coat closets in the foyer alone! Pick up your stuff!). The beginning of opening kitchen cabinets without having pots fall on my head. The beginning of letting the kids run free in the yard and ride bikes on the driveway. But I will miss this house. It was our first house. We stayed up nights painting its walls and making it our home. We found out that we were pregnant three times in this house. We lost one of those pregnancies in this house. We brought two beautiful babies home to this house. They said their first words in this house. They learned (and are learning) to walk in this house. I wonder if they will even remember this house at all...

ETA: Over a week later, and I never got to finish this post. Next one will be about the joys of moving and settling into the new house! We're on our way! Sorry for the abrupt ending, but there are boxes to unpack!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Blizzard 2010

Snowcalypse. Snowmageddon. Snowtorious B.I.G. Any way you put it, we just got a boat load of snow. We were hit with 26 inches on Friday/Saturday, and then ANOTHER 20 inches on Tuesday/Wednesday. Yea, too much damn snow. This meant no school for a week (boo), no work in DC for Shimmy for a week (yay), no work in our new house for a week (BOO- this has major suck factor for moving in). Here's how we spent our time:

Cabin Fever- LITERALLY. From Tuesday evening through early Friday morning I was weak, achy, and had the chills. I could not get warm (despite wearing layers upon layers) unless I was either sitting right next to the fireplace or in bed with a heating pad. For a while I mistakenly attributed this to one prolonged anxiety attack, since the snow was indeed stressing me out. It wasn't until I woke up at 3am Friday morning in a pool of sweat, and then woke up a few hours later feeling 500% better that I realized that I must have actually been running a fever. Weird timing.

Crafts- I had fun coloring with Sophie and making snowmen out of cotton balls and buttons. But these crafts didn't take nearly as long as I had hoped they would! They were a small help in the cure of stir craziness.

"Baking"- I have not had a working oven in close to 2 months (that is another long, boring, and irritating story), but we did make hamantashen dough and spinach and artichoke pinwheels to freeze and bake later.

Mishloach Manot- I bought all of the items and started assembling the bags. I also designed the cards that go with them.

Treadmilling- I got a lot of good work outs in. Since Sophie was home, I left the tv on her channel and listened to my ipod. The music really pumped me up and I found myself running for longer spurts (I combination walk/run) and I also increased my overall mileage. That, combined with cutting back my weight watchers points by a couple resulted in losing a couple more pounds. So YAY for that!

Packing- I got a lot of packing done! I've packed almost everything besides for last minute stuff. Moving Day is next Sunday- woohoo!

Here are some pics of the storm(s) and aftermath:

Coming down fast and furious:
This used to be an entire swingset!
Holy Icicles, Batman
Tunneling our way out of 40+ inches:
Just the tippy top of the shrubs are left:

I have never been more ready for Spring in my entire life.