Cabin Fever- LITERALLY. From Tuesday evening through early Friday morning I was weak, achy, and had the chills. I could not get warm (despite wearing layers upon layers) unless I was either sitting right next to the fireplace or in bed with a heating pad. For a while I mistakenly attributed this to one prolonged anxiety attack, since the snow was indeed stressing me out. It wasn't until I woke up at 3am Friday morning in a pool of sweat, and then woke up a few hours later feeling 500% better that I realized that I must have actually been running a fever. Weird timing.
Crafts- I had fun coloring with Sophie and making snowmen out of cotton balls and buttons. But these crafts didn't take nearly as long as I had hoped they would! They were a small help in the cure of stir craziness.
"Baking"- I have not had a working oven in close to 2 months (that is another long, boring, and irritating story), but we did make hamantashen dough and spinach and artichoke pinwheels to freeze and bake later.
Mishloach Manot- I bought all of the items and started assembling the bags. I also designed the cards that go with them.
Treadmilling- I got a lot of good work outs in. Since Sophie was home, I left the tv on her channel and listened to my ipod. The music really pumped me up and I found myself running for longer spurts (I combination walk/run) and I also increased my overall mileage. That, combined with cutting back my weight watchers points by a couple resulted in losing a couple more pounds. So YAY for that!
Packing- I got a lot of packing done! I've packed almost everything besides for last minute stuff. Moving Day is next Sunday- woohoo!
Here are some pics of the storm(s) and aftermath:
Coming down fast and furious:

I have never been more ready for Spring in my entire life.
that's CRAZY! Today I sweated through my 3/4 length t-shirt. It was 77. is this why people pay a million dollars to live in a shack in LA? and HAPPY BIRTHDAY two weeks and one day late. I will call.
I'm sorry for the cabin fever! I wish we all could have a respite in Arizona (minus the airplane travel) around this time.
But it's never like this normally, right? RIGHT?!?!? :-)
Rina- please do call! I miss you!
Clueless- No, it is NEVER like this!!! We usually get a few snow storms that leave us with a few inches. This was just absurd.
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