Late Night Feedings

Tales from the crib: life with Sophie, Lilah, and Jude
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 25, 2010


Every Sunday this month I have planned a different fun Fall activity for the kids. This was mostly out of necessity (see previous post), although I do enjoy being outdoors during Fall. I love the weather and the colors. The first week of Octoberfest was spent apple picking (and then apple baking and eating!):

The second week we to a fall farm with a hay maze and huge slide:

Yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch:

This coming Sunday we are going to a party! Once November arrives (presumably with colder weather and shorter afternoons), I will need to come up with a whole new list of activities!

A Case of the Mondays

Before I had kids my favorite day of the week was Sunday. I could sleep in, even stay at home in my pj's all day if I wanted to. I could catch up on my to-do list from the previous week. I could plan and do fun activities of my own choosing- even if that meant just watching old movies in bed all day. I could begin the next week rested and refreshed.

Now that I have kids I HATE Sundays. I get awoken around 7 am, just like every other day. The only difference is, there is no school, play group, music class, or any other planned activity. To adults, this equals relaxation. To kids, this equals boredom, which equals absolute insanity. Throw football into the mix and you have one parent trying to tame the insanity alone, and often quite bitter about that. The only solution I have found is to ignore both the fact that I should be relaxing and that there is another parent around. This means planning activities that take up the entire morning away from home. Another post on these activities to follow.

Before I had kids I hated Mondays. I hated waking up early and going to work after a relaxing weekend.

Now that I have kids I LOVE Mondays. Back to work for the football-loving parent! Back to school for the demanding pre-schooler! Babysitter will be here any minute for the tantrum-throwing-almost-two-year-old! I can BREATHE. Even if breathing means doing three loads of laundry, cleaning up the kitchen, and running on the treadmill (which is how I spent this Monday morning and most others). Because I can do all of those things BY MYSELF and think MY OWN THOUGHTS INSIDE MY OWN HEAD! Ah, relaxation! Monday just cannot come soon enough!