Sunday, May 22, 2011
Sunday, Busy Sunday
Last Sunday we had- I exaggerate not- A birthday party, a ballet class, another birthday party, a play date, and then another birthday party.
Today we had a ballet recital, a baby naming, a brief break during which I did laundry and painted sample colors on the outside of the house, and later on is dinner with some visiting relatives.
Next weekend we have sleep over company, a birthday party/baby naming, and maybe if we feel ambitious, a BBQ of our own.
I'm pretty sure every weekend in June is booked with something.
Most of the events are fun, and almost anything beats trying to entertain the kids all day at home, but I feel like weekends are not supposed to be quite so BUSY. I think I remember way back when weekends were for sleeping, eating out, and walking through street fairs holding hands with my husband. Nah, there's no way that EVER happened.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Living with Construction
You know your kids have grown up with construction when they are typically quite reserved, but greet the construction workers like long lost relatives. At least someone is happy to see them. Don’t get me wrong: I enjoy the planning that goes into home projects and I love the finished product. But, the actual period of construction (any transitional, disruptive period for that matter) kind of stresses me out. I can be a pretty high-anxiety person. The world can be a jungle for me sometimes. My home is my sanctuary. And when it is invaded by others for long periods of time, I sometimes feel that I have no sanctuary. I have to deal with the mess. And the noise. And my car perpetually getting blocked in. And HAVING TO WEAR A BRA ALL DAY LONG.
When we met with our contractor to discuss this phase of renovations, I concluded the meeting by enthusiastically saying, “I’m really excited about this!” To which he, experienced contractor and father of seven replied, “You say that now, but this is like having another baby. At first you’re really excited, but then when it comes you’re tired and annoyed.” He is a smart man. However, like having a baby, even though I am tired and displaced, I am still pretty excited. This is my passion. Planning, designing, and overseeing the completion of a home project is fun and fulfilling, despite the stress. Kind of like parenting…
Monday, May 9, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Chag HaAviv
Highlights included:
Seders (complete with our kid-friendly seder on the afternoon before the second seder):

Playdates with friends (including blogger friends- say hi to CBHM's Z and E!):

The National Zoo:

When we got home we found that Spring had indeed sprung at our house while we were away. The blossoming tree that we played under the week before we left was now covered in leaves. Bushes that had previously been bare were now in bloom. The water that had accumulated on top of our pool cover was full of tadpoles, some of which have metamorphosed (that is the correct word, I looked it up!) into frogs that croak in the evening. And, once again, there is a nest right outside the kitchen window. Spring is here to stay! Until, of course, Summer arrives, which is even better :)