On Sunday my check engine light came on. Being the responsible driver that I am, I dropped my car off on Monday. On Tuesday, in the middle of entertaining 6 toddlers and their mommies the mechanic called to say I would be out of a car for the rest of the day and out of about $1,000. I was more upset about being stuck at home all day with Sophie (who needs lots of entertaining and stimulating by activities outside of the house) than I was about the cost of repairing my car. Luckily, Aunt Devorah invited us to go swimming with her and Leah after nap time (okay, we invited ourselves, but she was nice about it!). I had bought Sophie a new pool float the week before. It was a big motorboat and I knew Sophie would love it! Stupid me inflated it for her before nap time. She loved climbing in it, sitting on it, etc., and was most displeased when I moved it to a high place and carted her off to her crib. After her nap we got ready to go to the pool. Since the car was in the shop, we walked. Sophie held the boat on top of herself in the stroller for most of the walk, then I took over, pushing the stroller with one hand and carrying the boat with the other. She had a great time floating in the boat for about 10 min. Then she just wanted to be in the water (I assume because Leah was). An hour later we were all ready to leave. I decided to call into my home voicemail to see if the mechanic had called. He had! The car was ready! Since the pool is on the way to the shop from our house there was no sense in going home first. So we walked to the shop dripping wet. I decided to try to deflate the float so as not to look like a moron. But no matter how much I pushed and squeezed, that thing would not deflate. You may have seen a wet lady walking up Marnat Road pushing a stroller with one hand and carrying a ridiculously large and obtrusive motorboat float with the other. That was me. We got to the shop, I dropped off the float next to my car before paying the guy and driving home. Good times. Here are some pics:

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