I took Lilah for her 9 month check up yesterday. She is healthy and perfect in every way, Thank G0d. She's working on teeth #5 and 6, she is eating more table food every day, she is babbling with a couple of consistent words (Lilah and Mama), and she has always been a star sleeper. But she is
wimpy. She has only gained a little over a pound in the past 3 months. While she can kick the crap out of you and can even do pelvic lifts, and she is seriously lacking in the upper body strength department. In related news, she has no will to crawl. So, we're going to squeeze in an extra meal a day even though she never seems hungry, and we're going to do an upper body workout every morning (which she hates). Over the next 3 months we're going to beef up. GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm cute, even though I'm wimpy:

Work out? You must be joking.

No, really, I'm good.

See my baby biceps? No? Hmmm.

Who needs to learn how to crawl with a smile like this?
Addy was a wimpy baby too, and she turned out fine! She was always in the tenth to twentieth percentile for weight even though she was in the ninetieth to HUNDREDTH for heighth. Skinny minny, that girl. And she never actually crawled at all! She started hopping on her knees for awhile, around ten months, and until month fifteen, that's how she got around. I thought she was going to break her kneecaps, but they appear fine!
she is adorable!!!!!!!!!! What kind of upper body workout do you do with her? Seems kind of funny for a 9 month old. Ziva also hadn't gained more than a pound at her last checkup so I am giving her more milk and snacks. Good luck to us and our babies!
I was (and still am) very unconcerned about the weight gain. Sophie was a skinny one too, and both of my girls are super tall, so it's just kind of hard for their weight gain to keep up with their height gain. I am also very unconcerned with the lack of crawling since again, Sophie was the same way. But when the pediatrician started throwing words like "physical therapy" around I decided a little beefing up wouldn't hurt. The work out consists of putting Lilah in a crawling position- up on her knees so that she has to support herself in this position using her arms while I hold her torso steady.
awwwwwww i think i'll write a song for lilah.
ACK! Those pics are SO sweet!
Zoe was a BEEFCAKE and she didn't have much desire to crawl (or upper body strength) for a long time which they blamed on her being TOO BIG. YOU CAN'T WIN. We did do physical therapy because she was lopsided. It's all a distant memory now. Glad to hear that you are calm and cool as the second-time around Mama!
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