How do I even attempt to put into words the way I feel today? This has truly been the most amazing year of my life. Starting yesterday evening (a year after I went into labor) I have been constantly thinking, "what was I doing this time last year?" From dinner last night all the way up until 4:35 pm this afternoon the answer was "still in labor." But after that, the memories got more interesting... and less painful. When I laid Sophie down in her crib tonight and we looked into each other's eyes, I remembered the first time I locked eyes with her one year ago. As soon as she was delivered, she was not laid on my chest in the picturesque scenario they show you on TV. Her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck twice and was in a true knot. They called all available staff to rush into the room to help her. Once she was okay, Thank G-d, they were cleaning her up. She was laying down and one team of nurses was with her, while my doctor was still finishing up on me. I remember looking at Sophie and our eyes locked into each other's. We just lay a few feet apart staring at each other- our bond already unimaginably strong. That bond has only grown stronger over this year. Even though she is gaining independence by the day, every so often during playtime she still climbs over to me, buries her head in my shoulder, and snuggles in tightly, as if to say, "I still need to feel your love, Mommy." I hope she always does.
Look how much she has grown over this year:
Then: a week or so old in her Daddy's hands

Now: today on her first birthday wearing a 1st Birthday Princess tiara!

I cannot believe how quickly the year has flown by. I cannot imagine my life without my beautiful daughter!!!
1 comment:
we cant imagine life without her either so thanks for having her. love you all!
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