It is only 2 minutes long, so I felt pretty bad for my wheelchair bound father-in-law, who could not move away from the tv and watched/heard this thing run continuously for over 2 hours.
I still can't believe how much this kids has grown over the past year. We have her doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I don't have the exact stats yet, but I'm guessing that she weighs around 22 lbs (that's 16 more than when she was born!). She has 10 teeth (that I can count without losing a finger). She can pull herself up to a standing position and take a few steps holding on. And.... drumroll.... she is actually crawling. Ha! I was so sure she'd go straight to walking, but she is finally crawling. The days of her sitting in one place and pointing to the hazardous thing she wants are now over. It finally sunk in today when she crawled over to my drink and pushed it over. She says a few words too- fish, uh-oh, daddy, mom (it sounds like Cartman from Southpark: "meh-ehhhmmm"), and book. When we were in Charleston she had been saying kitty, but it's hard to reinforce that word now that there is no real-live kitty to play with.
Here are some pictures from the party:
The older kids designing their cups:

Playing with her little friends:

So excited!


Mommy and Sophie (with frosting all over her face):

1 comment:
great party!
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