Here Comes Trouble- at least that's what we thought when we were waiting for the arrival of baby #2. Thank God, Lilah has been anything but trouble. From the moment she entered this world she has been nothing but a sweet, precious, adorable delight. Just thinking about her warms my heart and makes me smile. Although I had been excited to have another child, part of me was really scared. It's different with subsequent babies than it is with the first. When I was pregnant with Sophie I feared nothing. I thought only of the snuggling, nursing, and gazing into each other's eyes that would constitute our days together. Obviously I was in for a rude awakening, but there is truly no way to mentally prepare for your first child. So having been to hell and back with a newborn once before, I was not looking forward to experiencing the hard parts again. Whenever I would think about how difficult it was going to be to have a newborn (plus a two year old!) I would just tell myself that the first three months would be hell, but that was as hard as it would be, and after the first three months everything would start to get a lot easier. If these past three months were the hardest, then I consider myself lucky indeed. Early on, Lilah seemed to fall into the rhythm of our family as if to prove to us that there was nothing to worry about- that she could keep up with us just fine.
In addition to keeping up with us and being a very cute addition to our family, Lilah has grown and learned a lot over the past three months! She smiles and "talks" all the time! She is an awesome nurser and probably weighs about 15 lbs. She has been in size six months clothes since she was two months old. She has rolled from tummy to back (though not for a while), and looks as if she will roll from back to tummy any day now. She is now sleeping nine hours straight most nights, and then goes back to sleep for another three hours. She takes two long naps during the day and sometimes a couple of cat naps too. She reaches for, and grabs a hold of whatever she wants which includes both toys and my hair. She loves her big sister, even when she screams in her ear and crowds her on her play mat. Speaking of her big sister, here is a picture of Sophie wearing the same shirt on the same mat (she is fivemonths old here, but the same size as Lilah is now):

So, to sum up, life has basically been awesome these past three months, and I can't wait for it to get even better!
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