Late Night Feedings

Tales from the crib: life with Sophie, Lilah, and Jude
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sorry in advance...

...but would you all mind terribly if I brag about my genius baby for a minute? If you do mind, don't read this post. I won't be insulted. In fact, I won't even know. I usually don't brag about exceptional things my kids do. I know their strengths, talents, and abilities. I feel thankful to God and I feel proud as a parent, and that's usually enough. I don't need to go out of my way to tell others about them. BUT, this blog is a way for me to archive my memories of their childhoods. And one day I am going to want to be able to recall specific examples of just how amazingly smart Lilah (21 months old) is. Here are those examples:
1. Some of the moms at playgroup were asking their kids where so-and-so was, hoping their kid would point to the correct person. I didn't participate, because I know Lilah knows who everyone is. When they were finished, Lilah said, "Where's Izzie?" Izzie was the one friend not there that day. Lilah pointed that out.
2. I asked Lilah's babysitter what she ate for lunch today. The babysitter said, "The chick patty, cheese, fruit, veggie chips, and water." Lilah, who had been listening the whole time, said, "and milk." Babysitter said, "Oh yea, and milk too."
3. We were leaving the house this afternoon and Lilah said, "right back," and went to get her hat and mittens.
4. We were sitting at the table eating grapes together and I noticed it was time to go get Sophie. I jumped up in a hurry and said, "we have to go now!" Lilah said, "hold on, Mommy." She put grapes back in the bowl and carried it to the refrigerator.

The kid is mad smart. My first clue was when, at just a couple of months old, she would kick the buttons on her mobile to make the music start again. I was clued in again at 15 months when she counted to six (actually pointed to 1,2,3,4,5,6 dots on a ladybug while saying the correct number). Again, and again I am amazed by her.

I would be remiss if I didn't talk about one of Sophie's amazing qualities too, namely, her incredible memory. The girl reminds me about things that happened over a year ago (which is a quarter of her lifetime)! I have always had a rididulous memory, so it's pretty awesome when she remembers things that I don't.

These kids are going to go far, my friends. Thanks for reading, and sorry again about the bragging. I'll try to keep it infrequent.


Rina Pritikin said...

BRING IT ON! Your daughters sound so smart- I can't believe the stuff Lilah remembers! I absolutely loved this post. Honestly, this is your blog and I would love to read more of your daughters' wonderfulness. You should post more. You used to post Sophie's funny phrases (I remember one about her liking an elbow.)
Anyway, yasher kochech on raising such smart and adorable children! All the effort you put in pays off, doesn't it?

Proud Aunt Devorah said...

Aunt Devoyah always loves hearing the brilliant things her neices are saying and doing. isnt that the point of this blog anyway? i love those girlies. today leah said "i always think i should hug aunt batsheva first so she doesnt feel bad/left out when i am so excited to see the girls." (apparently she came to your car at carpool time again?)we gotta get together soon!!!!

Barb said...

You should feel so good about your amazing girls - do not apologize for posting! I enjoy sharing in your nachas!!! :) I can't wait to hear more!! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Very impressive! It is always nice to hear the good things about peoples children because most of the time they just complain about how their children cry a lot or wake up at 2 AM.