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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Politics and Pregnant Bodies

I have completed phase one of finishing my belly cast and it looks good. I just need to let everything dry, and then assess what I want to do next. Since Sophie is still sleeping and blogging earlier was pretty therapeutic, I figured I'd blog some more. I am in a pretty irritated mood right now, and when that happens, the irritated floodgate opens and I start getting irritated at other things as well. What I am mostly irritated at is political discussion. I got burned out on election talk about a year ago. I educate myself on the issues, research policies that effect/interest me, and make my voting decisions accordingly. Some of my decisions are made painstakingly by weighing pros and cons and choosing a candidate that has more pros, even though some cons remain. I just hope for the best. I will discuss my views very reluctantly if repeatedly provoked. However, in general, I prefer not to discuss politics. I think I was raised that way. In the deep South, one never discusses "religion or politics." Seems smart to me. Maybe that's why people in the South are so much kinder and friendlier. They don't go around pissing people off by shoving their political opinions down their throats. So it's not surprising that I find it very stressful to deal with all of the political discussion and debates before the election. But now the election in over. OVER. One's opinion, and vote, no longer make a difference. So I really wish people would stop lamenting and complaining and flooding my Facebook Newsfeed with so much BS.

Okay, so that's what I'm REALLY irritated about. Now comes the meaning behind the title of this post. While decorating my belly cast I thought about how I am creating a piece of art. And, how, in actuality my body is already a piece of art. Everyone's is. But, in particular, I think there is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman's body. It is full with life and promise and love. Everything is smooth and round and stunning. I have never had a better body image of myself or more self-esteem than when I was nearing the end of my pregnancy with Sophie. I felt radiant and gorgeous. I would stare at myself in the mirror and just smile. So it completely baffles and irritates me when I hear other pregnant women complaining about how "fat" or "ugly" or "gross" they feel. Something just isn't right there.

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