The entire day went more smoothly than it had in recent past years. We did more prep the day before, allowing for a more relaxed Thanksgiving Morning, which is one of the things I had really missed in the past few years. Even though the relaxing morning didn't begin at 10am, as it had once upon a time (probably B.C.: Before Children, or at least before Child #2), we did manage to all do crafts together at the kitchen table while watching/listening to the parade in the background.

Our Fall Leaves Collage and Thankful Turkey
The " Fry Fest" was much better organized. There was a good mix of people at the Fry Fest including a lot of my friends. The weather was beautiful.

Prepping the fry turkey outside- no coats necessary!
Thanksgiving dinner was really nice and fairly relaxed. The food was delicious. The kids were adorable in their new outfits, which were embroidered with their names. (I can't believe I'm that mom!)

Stress-free last minute prep

Sophie's turkey costume

The turkey was so delicious that my sister took a break from being a vegetarian to eat some!

The kids' outfits with their names embroidered on them
I went shopping on Black Friday with my sister and got some good deals on kids' clothes and Chanukah gifts.
Our friend (though that word is really not enough for what he is to us) Giddy had come to stay beginning Tuesday night and did not leave until the Monday night after Thanksgiving. To have him around was wonderful. He happily played with the girls and held a fussy baby whenever necessary. He helped me with home projects. He co-chaired the Fry Fest, helping oversee every single detail. He made me laugh a lot, which was so good for my tired, worn out self of late. Thanksgiving seemed like a week-long happy occasion while he was here.

Taking a nap with Jude

Playing with a hyper Sophie and a cranky Jude
Since it's never too late for thank you... This year I am especially thankful for:
-My family of origin- particularly my parents- who have been SO helpful since Judah was born. I have never needed help like this before and without even having to admit this to them they just regularly appear to relieve some of the burden. They are truly wonderful parents and grandparents.
- My current family, especially now that our Judah Jack has arrived.
-My chosen family: Giddy (see above reasons) and my girlfriends, who are the reason I can continue to feel centered and sane most days.
- Our good fortune and comfortable lives. Things are a little rough lately, but overall I know I am so blessed for everything I have. I do reflect on that daily.
- My new treadmill which I am on now (way to multitask) that has a place for my iPad to rest so I can blog finally! (I did edit a lot after I originally wrote it- auto correct can't fix everything!)
1 comment:
How you know a turkey is good: a vegetarian must try it!
Looks like a great week! The embroidered outfits are adorable!
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