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Monday, March 23, 2009

The Latest Self-Portraits

Yep, that's me. A watched pot. Will I boil? I've been simmering (having strong, painful, but irregular contractions that make me wince in pain while being a slave to the clock so that I can time them every night) since last Wednesday and that is getting mighty old.

What's also getting old are the looks, comments, phone calls, im's, etc. from well-meaning people. Yes, I'm still pregnant. No, I do not know when I will have the baby. I feel like crap. Don't call me, I'll call you. Yes, really, I will call you. Sigh.


clueless but hopeful mama said...

Oy. I'm thinking of you at this time and wondering what it will be like for me as I'm about to get to the stage when everyone will be asking if I've had the baby yet (Zoe was almost 2 weeks late and I stopped answering the phone right around week 39 because I was sick of saying I was still pregnant.)

Here's hoping your babe makes it here swiftly and easily!

Anonymous said...

i hope you know that's why i havent been calling, not bcuz i dont care. if you need anything from me i know you'll call... we love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I have restrained myself from calling...I want to call each hour on the hour... :) Love you xoxoxoxox

Sarah said...

I hope that as I'm typing this you're in labor!
Or if not, at least not in MASSIVE discomfort from still being pregnant. Maybe eating ice cream while someone else cleans the kitchen.