Late Night Feedings

Tales from the crib: life with Sophie, Lilah, and Jude
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Any Day Now

Today would be a good day to have a baby. Weather wise it's pretty pleasant outside, which makes it a good day to do anything, really. I've finished doing all of the important things on my list. The cleaning lady is coming today. Sophie does not have school (so no need to figure out how to pick her up). Shimmy is home. So will it be today? If not today, when? Guesses are most welcome. Even from lurkers. If you guess correctly there may be a prize involved. Not sure what it would be, though. Suggestions for that are welcome as well.

Now I know you might be looking at my ticker and thinking, "hey, don't you technically have 2 more weeks until your due date?" Yes, but that is so irrelevant that I'm wondering why I even put that ticker up there. Once upon a time (5 weeks and 4 days ago) I was told that I would need to have the baby at 37 weeks (one week ago) because of certain issues. I don't really care to share the details because they were scary, upsetting, and stressful, but suffice it to say that the issues ended up resolving themselves and I did not need to have the baby last week. I am still very likely to have the baby "early," though. 38 weeks is not all that early, by the way. Anything after 37 weeks is considered full term. Sophie was born a mere 4 days further along than I am now. While I feel like a watched pot lately, I am starting to simmer. Every night for the past week when I go to sleep I wonder if I'll wake up at some point in labor. I've been having contractions every day- the kind that are kind of painful and I'm sure are slowly progressing me, but they never get regular enough to make me think "this is it." I can physically feel the baby trying to get out. I have felt it wiggling its head into launch position (most uncomfortable). I am complaining about a whole slew of things that Shimmy insists happened at the end last time.

So, place your bets, ladies and gentlemen. What day will it be? Due date is TECHNICALLY March 31. I'll accept guesses up until a week past the due date, but warn you that your odds (and my feelings toward you) will drastically suck by that point. Let the guessing begin!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...when should we guess?? My lucky number is 24 - so I will go with the 24th :)
We are SO excited for you, Shimmy and Sophie!!!!
(I will admit that I do check your blog more regularly right now - like 5 times a day to see if there is anything new posted about a *new* baby!!!)
Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

I will be narcissistic/pessimistic and predict that you will have the baby at a time that will make it most inconvenient/practically-impossible for all-of-us-or-one-of-us to come to Baltimore for a bris-if-it's-a-boy.

I hope I'm wrong. :)

B said...

I hope you're both wrong :) I am now rooting for the 21 or 22 myself. Although, Raffy, if you guys can't make it to the bris-if-it's-a-boy, then I might be absolved of my guilt for not being able to make it to Shmuely's bris, which took place when we were all in Charleston.

Swistle said...

I vote for today, March 21st, because I think 3-21-09 is a cool birthday (all divisible by 3). Bonus if you can shoot for a divisible-by-3 TIME, too, like 9:33 p.m. or whatevs.