I did still manage to come up with a good theme this year, which is one of my fav parts of Purim. I thought of it back in July when I found out I was pregnant. It all centered around my bun in the oven. Shimmy and I were bakers and Sophie was a cupcake (I knew she wouldn't wear an actual costume even for 1 second, so I just dressed her in cupcake patterned clothes). Our shalach manot consisted of baked goods (and hot cocoa!) in a bakery box.
I spent Purim night assembling all of our shalach manot, contracting all the way, with Shimmy telling me how crazy I was to be doing ANYTHING, much less still being sad that I was not hosting a dinner party for 40 in our house the next day. Afterwards, Shimmy read Megillah for me.
The next morning I went to a doctor's appointment. Just one of those quickies- pee in a cup, get on the scale (13 lbs under where I was at this point last pregnancy- woot!), take my blood pressure, measure my belly with the tape measure, listen to that galloping pony (aka baby's heart beat), go home.
We didn't even put our costumes on until after lunch. Then we delivered some shalach manot and went back home to greet Sharon, who was the only reason I didn't cry that day. Shimmy read Megillah for us, then we headed back out to deliver the rest of our shalach manot. We seudah-hopped a bit, then came home.
Next year the party is back on. I don't care what else is going on in my life- the party is BACK ON.
My first bun:

Our shalach manot:

Doda Sher saved the day by coming to hang out with us!

Our Family:

My bun in the oven:

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