Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Is it too late?
Is it too late to make New Years Eve plans? I had decided that we didn't need to go out this year. And it's hard to find a babysitter, since we don't generally have non-family babysit unless Sophie is already in bed. Obviously all of my family will be out partying. Obviously. And even if we could find a babysitter, I just couldn't think of anything to do. I can't drink, which makes everything a lot less fun. I didn't want to do what we did last year. Which was the same thing we had done two years ago. So I just kind of let it go. But now I'm feeling slightly depressed about not having New Years Eve plans. Shimmy and I have made plans every year we have been married, except when NYE fell out on a Friday night. It's really not a big deal that we'll be home. We have several upcoming "dates." Our anniversary is next week, followed by the annual partner dinner the following weekend. And then we will be in Vegas the last weekend of January. But I can't help feeling down about tonight. So if anyone can think of something we can do, please let me know. Suggestions must accompany the offer to babysit, of course. I have a feeling I'll be hanging out with Carson Daly until the ball drops. That is, if I can stay up that late.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A Day in the Life
Yesterday was an awesome day. The best one I've had in a very long time. It didn't even matter that I spent it hobbling around in pain with my "broken" tailbone. Sophie woke me around 9 am, which in itself was awesome. It is always nice to wake up and realize I've gotten more sleep than I thought I would. We got ready as fast as we could and drove down to Silver Spring. She spent the day with Nana happily playing, coloring, and blowing bubbles, while I went here with my dad and Uncle Arthur, who is visiting this week from Charleston. A splendid time was guaranteed for all. We spent two hours deeply engrossed in these photographs. I began to hate the photographs of people who were there, observing the Beatles play, wishing I could have been sitting in one of those dingy chairs in studio 2 at Abbey Road on that night. I purchased a print after much deliberating. I am the first of only 40 people in the world that will ever own this print. It will become known as a very rare collector's item. Yes, it was expensive. I'm adding it as a rider on my home insurance. I will smile every time I look at it. I will picture myself in a boat on a river. I will still love that piece of art and history when I'm 64- and forever after.
After we left the gallery, we drove over to Shimmy's office. My dad and uncle got the grand tour of his mini empire and I got to chit chat with the work people I only get to see a few times a year. Then we all headed back to my parents' house for a really nice family dinner. Uncle Arthur (or "uckle" as Sophie calls him) took some gorgeous family photos:

PS: Can you find all of the Beatles references in this post? Bonus points if you can tell me exactly why they are relevant to the day's events.
After we left the gallery, we drove over to Shimmy's office. My dad and uncle got the grand tour of his mini empire and I got to chit chat with the work people I only get to see a few times a year. Then we all headed back to my parents' house for a really nice family dinner. Uncle Arthur (or "uckle" as Sophie calls him) took some gorgeous family photos:

PS: Can you find all of the Beatles references in this post? Bonus points if you can tell me exactly why they are relevant to the day's events.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My Alternative Lifestyle
Today I wanted to sleep in. Instead I woke up with a sudden muscle spasm in my leg courtesy of the fetus.
Today I wanted 10 minutes alone so I could use the bathroom. Instead I chatted with my daughter while she sat on my lap, facing me on the toilet.
Today I wanted a nap. Instead I polished silver.
Today I wanted a stiff drink, or even just wine. Instead I had a glass of water.
Tonight I would like some sushi for dinner. Instead I will probably eat the remains of a bunch of random things Sophie will eat a few bites of and then change her mind about. And even if she does eat everything (by some miracle) and I can eat a plate of food made just for me, it can't be sushi. It will probably be cereal. Bah.
Today I wanted 10 minutes alone so I could use the bathroom. Instead I chatted with my daughter while she sat on my lap, facing me on the toilet.
Today I wanted a nap. Instead I polished silver.
Today I wanted a stiff drink, or even just wine. Instead I had a glass of water.
Tonight I would like some sushi for dinner. Instead I will probably eat the remains of a bunch of random things Sophie will eat a few bites of and then change her mind about. And even if she does eat everything (by some miracle) and I can eat a plate of food made just for me, it can't be sushi. It will probably be cereal. Bah.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Letter
Dear Ma'am,
Although I do not know you and I have never seen you before, I will never forget you. While you were driving to work yesterday, talking on your cellphone (which is illegal in DC), you hit my husband. I cannot imagine what went through your head as you recklessly sped around the corner and through a cross walk and found yourself face to face with a 6'3" man on your windshield. I would hope that your first thought would have been "I hope he's okay." I'm sure you also thought "I hope he doesn't call the cops." You are lucky- he was too shocked to think about anything besides walking away. Let me tell you what my thoughts were after learning about what happened. I thought, "Thank God he is okay." Then I thought, "What if he had been hurt?" Then I thought, "What if he had been killed?" I imagined my husband- my best friend and soul mate- laying mangled somewhere. I thought of myself, our daughter, and our unborn child trying to live in a world without him. Instead of happily playing with my two year old in our Music Together class, I sat with my head in my hands, sobbing. I merely existed for the rest of the day, wandering around aimlessly and going through the motions of my daily activities. I did not spend more than 20 minutes out of close physical proximity of my husband from the time he got home until we both the left the house for our separate destinations this morning. We have been together for 11 1/2 years. In that time I can very honestly say that I have never taken my husband for granted or not appreciated him. I have always thought about how lucky I am to have him each and every day, and that my very worst fear in the world is to lose him. Because of you, yesterday, that fear almost came true. I hope you felt at least a small fraction of the fear that he and I felt yesterday morning. I hope this fear inspires you to be more careful from now on.
Although I do not know you and I have never seen you before, I will never forget you. While you were driving to work yesterday, talking on your cellphone (which is illegal in DC), you hit my husband. I cannot imagine what went through your head as you recklessly sped around the corner and through a cross walk and found yourself face to face with a 6'3" man on your windshield. I would hope that your first thought would have been "I hope he's okay." I'm sure you also thought "I hope he doesn't call the cops." You are lucky- he was too shocked to think about anything besides walking away. Let me tell you what my thoughts were after learning about what happened. I thought, "Thank God he is okay." Then I thought, "What if he had been hurt?" Then I thought, "What if he had been killed?" I imagined my husband- my best friend and soul mate- laying mangled somewhere. I thought of myself, our daughter, and our unborn child trying to live in a world without him. Instead of happily playing with my two year old in our Music Together class, I sat with my head in my hands, sobbing. I merely existed for the rest of the day, wandering around aimlessly and going through the motions of my daily activities. I did not spend more than 20 minutes out of close physical proximity of my husband from the time he got home until we both the left the house for our separate destinations this morning. We have been together for 11 1/2 years. In that time I can very honestly say that I have never taken my husband for granted or not appreciated him. I have always thought about how lucky I am to have him each and every day, and that my very worst fear in the world is to lose him. Because of you, yesterday, that fear almost came true. I hope you felt at least a small fraction of the fear that he and I felt yesterday morning. I hope this fear inspires you to be more careful from now on.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Missing Lennon
"I was the dream weaver, but now I'm gone. I was the walrus, but now I'm John. And so, dear friends, you'll just have to carry on. The dream is over..."
"You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will be as one."
Though it's been 28 years since your untimely death, your gifts and messages to the world still live on. You shine on like the moon and the stars and the sun.

"You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will be as one."
Though it's been 28 years since your untimely death, your gifts and messages to the world still live on. You shine on like the moon and the stars and the sun.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I didn't forget about Thanksgiving!
We hosted Thanksgiving for the sixth year in a row. And it was maybe the best one yet. The turkey was absolutely succulent. Shimmy and I have really perfected our turkey process. The rest of the food was awesome too, as was the company. Here are some pics (sorry there are so many).
The star of the show:

The co-stars:

Sophie with Nana and Poppa:

Messings and Tusks:

Uncle Giddy (I think we have a picture of him sleeping from every Thanksgiving):

Horrific family pic:

Sophie and Uncle Giddy:

The decorations Sophie made at school:
The star of the show:

The co-stars:

Sophie with Nana and Poppa:

Messings and Tusks:

Uncle Giddy (I think we have a picture of him sleeping from every Thanksgiving):

Horrific family pic:

Sophie and Uncle Giddy:

The decorations Sophie made at school:

Pancakes and Painting
For the past four Tuesdays I have dropped Sophie off at the in-laws to play for a couple of hours. Anyone who knows me well (or knows someone who knows me well) will understand that this is a big deal. Until recently it would have been a big deal to leave Sophie anywhere without me for a couple of hours. But it was pretty much unthinkable to leave her at the in-laws. (I'm not going to even go into why, because I'm assuming you all know the complex history there, but for those few who don't, I'll just clarify that it doesn't have anything to do with their ability to take care of kids). About a month ago my mother-in-law asked me (for the umpteenth time since Sophie was born) if I would like to leave her there once a week. She must have caught me on one of the many nights I was going insane with single parenting syndrome, because I actually considered it. The first time she asked my immediate response (in my head) was "hell to the no." This time I decided that Sophie was old enough to communicate her needs and if she was having a terrible time, she would ask to call me herself and I would come get her. So I agreed to bring her over. I decided that if she wasn't warming up, I'd just stay with her for a respectable amount of time, and then we'd both leave. Also, Shimmy was working from home that day, so I knew if Sophie needed someone to come get her and I was in the middle of errands, he would go. To my surprise and delight she had a great time. That's all the convincing I needed- I have dropped her off every Tuesday morning since then.
I had grown so accustomed to running my errands with her, that I had forgotten how much faster I used to be able to do things when I was by myself. With Sophie, two hours gives us time to go the grocery store, go home, and put away the groceries. Two hours without Sophie gives me time to go to the grocery store, dry cleaner, jeweler, butcher, another store, and back home to put it all away before picking her up.
Today I used my time to come back home and eat pancakes for breakfast (I had almost forgotten what breakfast was. What? It's not scarfing down a granola bar in the car?), then paint the mantel and brackets I bought to hang over the fireplace. Yes, friends, I have been busy. Not only have I taken on this mantel project (which now just awaits Shimmy's help in hanging it), I have also finished and hung my belly cast and finished the Israel scrapbook. Not to mention the continuation of the nesting saga. The office is now empty except for the desk, which needs to be dismantled and hauled to the curb. The brown room (new office?) looks fabulous. As soon as that shed arrives we'll be working on the laundry room. And as soon as Sophie's new bed arrives we'll set up her new room! Yay for productivity! Here are some pics of my recent accomplishments:
Yesterday's rainbow (technically not my accomplishment):

My belly cast finished (decoupage and polyurethane):

The painted mantel and brackets:

The Israel scrapbook- opened to a random page:
I had grown so accustomed to running my errands with her, that I had forgotten how much faster I used to be able to do things when I was by myself. With Sophie, two hours gives us time to go the grocery store, go home, and put away the groceries. Two hours without Sophie gives me time to go to the grocery store, dry cleaner, jeweler, butcher, another store, and back home to put it all away before picking her up.
Today I used my time to come back home and eat pancakes for breakfast (I had almost forgotten what breakfast was. What? It's not scarfing down a granola bar in the car?), then paint the mantel and brackets I bought to hang over the fireplace. Yes, friends, I have been busy. Not only have I taken on this mantel project (which now just awaits Shimmy's help in hanging it), I have also finished and hung my belly cast and finished the Israel scrapbook. Not to mention the continuation of the nesting saga. The office is now empty except for the desk, which needs to be dismantled and hauled to the curb. The brown room (new office?) looks fabulous. As soon as that shed arrives we'll be working on the laundry room. And as soon as Sophie's new bed arrives we'll set up her new room! Yay for productivity! Here are some pics of my recent accomplishments:
Yesterday's rainbow (technically not my accomplishment):

My belly cast finished (decoupage and polyurethane):

The painted mantel and brackets:

The Israel scrapbook- opened to a random page:

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Story. Of. My. Life.
The Little Red Hen
Sara Cone Bryant (Retold from Joseph Jacobs)
One day as the Little Red Hen was scratching in a field, she found a grain of wheat.
"This wheat should be planted," she said. "Who will plant this grain of wheat?"
"Not I," said the Duck.
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.
Soon the wheat grew to be tall and yellow.
"The wheat is ripe," said the Little Red Hen. "Who will cut the wheat?"
"Not I," said the Duck.
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.
When the wheat was cut, the Little Red Hen said, "Who will thresh the wheat?"
"Not I," said the Duck.
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.
When the wheat was threshed, the Little Red Hen said, "Who will take this wheat to the mill?"
"Not I," said the Duck.
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.
She took the wheat to the mill and had it ground into flour. Then she said, "Who will make this flour into bread?"
"Not I," said the Duck.
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.
She made and baked the bread. Then she said, "Who will eat this bread?"
"Oh! I will," said the Duck.
"And I will," said the Cat.
"And I will," said the Dog.
"No, No!" said the Little Red Hen. "I will do that." And she did.
From The Gingerbread Guide: Using Folktales with Young Children. Copyright 1987 Scott, Foresman and Company
I wish I had the balls to be the Little Red Hen, though. Because I will be sharing my awesome Thanksgiving dinner with a lot of ducks, cats and dogs this afternoon. (I would like to point out that I do have a good Rooster, though.)
Sara Cone Bryant (Retold from Joseph Jacobs)
One day as the Little Red Hen was scratching in a field, she found a grain of wheat.
"This wheat should be planted," she said. "Who will plant this grain of wheat?"
"Not I," said the Duck.
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.
Soon the wheat grew to be tall and yellow.
"The wheat is ripe," said the Little Red Hen. "Who will cut the wheat?"
"Not I," said the Duck.
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.
When the wheat was cut, the Little Red Hen said, "Who will thresh the wheat?"
"Not I," said the Duck.
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.
When the wheat was threshed, the Little Red Hen said, "Who will take this wheat to the mill?"
"Not I," said the Duck.
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.
She took the wheat to the mill and had it ground into flour. Then she said, "Who will make this flour into bread?"
"Not I," said the Duck.
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.
She made and baked the bread. Then she said, "Who will eat this bread?"
"Oh! I will," said the Duck.
"And I will," said the Cat.
"And I will," said the Dog.
"No, No!" said the Little Red Hen. "I will do that." And she did.
From The Gingerbread Guide: Using Folktales with Young Children. Copyright 1987 Scott, Foresman and Company
I wish I had the balls to be the Little Red Hen, though. Because I will be sharing my awesome Thanksgiving dinner with a lot of ducks, cats and dogs this afternoon. (I would like to point out that I do have a good Rooster, though.)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Mad Skillz
I have been feeling a little negative about my parenting skills lately. For me, the most challenging aspect is devoting all of my focus and energy on stimulating Sophie. I don't know why I find it so hard to sit on the floor and play with her continuously for hours. It's not physically tolling, and hasn't been ever since she stopped asking to be carried (THANK G-D). It's just mentally exhausting for me. As I've mentioned before, the mornings are easy. We have so many scheduled "outings" that we are rarely home. And I feel awesome about that, because I could easily sit around in my pj's all morning and early afternoon. It's that cursed window between nap time and bedtime when it is still just the two of us because Shimmy works late and I am spent. This is when I usually let her watch videos (hanging head in shame). She loves her Sesame Street, and it is pretty educational, but still.... I mean, she doesn't watch continuously, she just seems to like it on in the background as she plays or colors. I know it's not the worst thing in the world, but it does make me feel like a crappy parent. Yesterday, however, we miraculously watched nothing. We had school together in the morning, and then we went to the library where I got two books (The Time Traveler's Wife and The Favoured Child, both of which I have wanted to read for some time) and Sophie and I played in the children's section for a while. Then we came home and had lunch, read books, and put Sophie down for a nap. After her nap (which went later than usual because it took her an hour to fall asleep), she asked me to sit in her crib and read books to her. She often does this, and I happily comply. We may sit it there for half an hour or more, just reading and hanging out. Kind of like a sleepover party :) After that, we listened to her Baby Einstein CD's in her room and played. At some point we ate dinner, but then we returned down to the playroom where we played for hours. I have no idea where I got my energy (maybe from my guilt of not doing this enough?). By the time I put her to bed I was feeling pretty proud of myself and my mad parenting skillz. Oh yea, and I am 5 months pregnant with achey joints, a seemingly detatched tailbone, occasional sciatica, and the past two days a HORRIBLE cold that will not respond to any of the allowed medications. So, as I said, MAD SKILLZ!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Nesting! (Or just being a more extreme version of my usual self)

I have been nesting like crazy! I love organizing in general, so when I am pregnant, it is almost out of control. When I was pregnant with Sophie, the downstairs flooded, so when it was being restored and refinished, I got to choose all new carpet and paint colors, plus build Sophie's room. Score! Then, I also insisted we do something with the "crap room" (spare bedroom that was painted a nasty purple and basically just used as a dumping room for boxes and crap, hence the name.) We cleaned it out, painted it a very contemporary brown and made it into an awesome sitting room/overflow guest room. I'm sure I had a bunch of other projects too, but I can't remember now.
Back to the present. We are moving Sophie into a new room (the current office) for her birthday. This means that I get to combine the office and "brown room", and totally go crazy decorating Sophie's new room. WOOHOO. Step 1 was buying a shed for the back yard, which should be delivered in a few weeks. We will use the shed for all of the excess furniture in the office and brown room, our lawn stuff, and bigger things that are just taking up space in the laundry room. (I seriously just have a little path that allows me to get to the washer and drier and the refrigerator- and as my belly grows this path is getting narrower.) Step 2 was to buy and install (thank you, Shimmy!) shelves in the 2 closets in the brown room. This allowed me to fit soooo much more in those closets. Over the past couple of a years that room had become overrun with boxes, but no more! It is so clean and organized! Step 3 will be absorbing the office into the brown room (losing the office corner desk, losing the tv stand in the brown room, moving the bookcases into the brown room, and a bunch of other stuff that is hard for you to picture until it's done). Basically the brown room will still have the sleeper sofa, and will also have all of the bookcases and the printer/fax/scanner/copier from the office. We are chucking the desk top pc because we never use it and it's a dinosaur. We'll just plug our laptops into the printer/fax/scanner/copier as necessary.
Now, as for Sophie's room. When we were pregnant with her we had overbought furniture for her room with the intention of breaking it up later. Later has come! Her current room has a crib, large dresser (which we use as a changing table), small dresser, night stand, armoire, and dollhouse/bookcase. We bought her a new bed, and are moving the small dresser, night stand, and dollhouse/bookcase into her new room. I am so excited to get in there and decorate once the furniture is all moved in!
I'll keep you updated as more progress on the nesting front is made!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Frankie Say Relax
I am sitting here with my huge mug of tea having taken a shower and used my secret aromatherapy Bath and Body Works body wash and lotion. (I hide them from Shimmy so that he doesn't accidentally use them. I like to feel like they are my special me-only products.) I can finally relax. Well, at least until I hear "Mommeeeeee" repeatedly called out in the morning. I have had one hell of a week. Shimmy has been working late all this week- coming home about 11pm at night. I feel bad for him, but I feel bad for me too :( I just don't have the energy-
mental OR physical to keep Sophie happy for the entire day. Having sciatica, stretched/pulled muscles around my middle, and several contractions after even moderate walking have just made things harder. Everything until she wakes up from her nap is great. We have scheduled activities almost every morning. Wednesdays are music and Thursdays are Mommy and Me (which will soon be Tues and Thurs preschool for her without me!). The other days I make sure to schedule playdates or take her somewhere "fun" like the library, park, etc. Even after naptime is okay- if it isn't TOO cold we'll go for a walk or go to a friend's house. But between dinner and bedtime I just have no more steam left! And when Shimmy isn't home I really have a hard time. [side bar- I'm sorry, Heidi, most of this was copied and pasted from the email I just sent you. I am too exhausted to feel ashamed of my laziness.]
But everything's about to get better! Because.... My Dad is coming to spend the weekend with us! Which means after dinner tomorrow night Sophie will be happily entertained while I sit in my comfy chair and read. And all day the next day... and Saturday night he is babysitting while Shimmy and I go out. It is taking all of my strength to hold on until tomorrow afternoon.
mental OR physical to keep Sophie happy for the entire day. Having sciatica, stretched/pulled muscles around my middle, and several contractions after even moderate walking have just made things harder. Everything until she wakes up from her nap is great. We have scheduled activities almost every morning. Wednesdays are music and Thursdays are Mommy and Me (which will soon be Tues and Thurs preschool for her without me!). The other days I make sure to schedule playdates or take her somewhere "fun" like the library, park, etc. Even after naptime is okay- if it isn't TOO cold we'll go for a walk or go to a friend's house. But between dinner and bedtime I just have no more steam left! And when Shimmy isn't home I really have a hard time. [side bar- I'm sorry, Heidi, most of this was copied and pasted from the email I just sent you. I am too exhausted to feel ashamed of my laziness.]
But everything's about to get better! Because.... My Dad is coming to spend the weekend with us! Which means after dinner tomorrow night Sophie will be happily entertained while I sit in my comfy chair and read. And all day the next day... and Saturday night he is babysitting while Shimmy and I go out. It is taking all of my strength to hold on until tomorrow afternoon.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sophie and I have a new (old) favorite Sesame Street character. Frazzle is this awesome monster from the late 70's/early 80's that we discovered on a vintage video (yes, I still have an actual VCR for viewing such vintage videos). We LOVE Frazzle and LOVE rocking out to this song!
(link's not working for me- cut and paste- you won't be disappointed!)
(link's not working for me- cut and paste- you won't be disappointed!)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I am sitting here in my ratty sweats that I have been wearing since 1:00 this afternoon (in my defense I was dressed, complete with contact lenses and makeup since 8:00 am). I just noticed that there is a sticker stuck to the bottom of the left pant leg. It is a green star with the word "bravo" on it. It was once part of a whole chain of identical stickers given to me by a Weight Watchers employee to commend me on achieving lifetime status. I am thrilled to say that halfway through this pregnancy, I am still BELOW my goal weight. BUT, I have been feeling crappy about myself anyways. I sent Shimmy on his first ice cream run last night. I did ask for the low fat/calorie kind. And it was goooood. I have no idea when the last time I had eaten ice cream was. Seriously. Don't get me wrong- I have been no saint. Anyone who has been pregnant will agree that it starts going downhill during the first few months when morning (ha- morning, that still gets me every time!) sickness reigns and you find yourself abandoning a cart full of groceries to throw up in the store's bathroom while your toddler looks on crying out of concern and fear. At that moment you begin to eat whatever will stay down, which is mostly carbs. Then, one day, you realize that you have miraculously not thrown up in a couple of weeks, so you start eating a little more. Then one day- BAM! Your appetite comes back with avengance, and you begin to eat about twice as much as you used to! And then the cravings come! I usually try to get rid of them by telling myself that if I still want whatever it is in a few hours, then I can have it. Never once has the craving subsided. There is just no avoiding it. So I'm getting a little nervous about how this is going to affect the weight gain this time around. Well, the eating habbits combined with the fact that I have not gotten on the treadmill since I was about 6 weeks pregnant. I have walked outside with Sophie quite a bit, but it's not the same as an actual workout. I can't believe I am halfway through this pregnancy and I am not back to exercising yet. Bravo? Hardly. I am going to let this serve as a stern lecture to myself and aim to get back on that treadmill next week.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Politics and Pregnant Bodies
I have completed phase one of finishing my belly cast and it looks good. I just need to let everything dry, and then assess what I want to do next. Since Sophie is still sleeping and blogging earlier was pretty therapeutic, I figured I'd blog some more. I am in a pretty irritated mood right now, and when that happens, the irritated floodgate opens and I start getting irritated at other things as well. What I am mostly irritated at is political discussion. I got burned out on election talk about a year ago. I educate myself on the issues, research policies that effect/interest me, and make my voting decisions accordingly. Some of my decisions are made painstakingly by weighing pros and cons and choosing a candidate that has more pros, even though some cons remain. I just hope for the best. I will discuss my views very reluctantly if repeatedly provoked. However, in general, I prefer not to discuss politics. I think I was raised that way. In the deep South, one never discusses "religion or politics." Seems smart to me. Maybe that's why people in the South are so much kinder and friendlier. They don't go around pissing people off by shoving their political opinions down their throats. So it's not surprising that I find it very stressful to deal with all of the political discussion and debates before the election. But now the election in over. OVER. One's opinion, and vote, no longer make a difference. So I really wish people would stop lamenting and complaining and flooding my Facebook Newsfeed with so much BS.
Okay, so that's what I'm REALLY irritated about. Now comes the meaning behind the title of this post. While decorating my belly cast I thought about how I am creating a piece of art. And, how, in actuality my body is already a piece of art. Everyone's is. But, in particular, I think there is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman's body. It is full with life and promise and love. Everything is smooth and round and stunning. I have never had a better body image of myself or more self-esteem than when I was nearing the end of my pregnancy with Sophie. I felt radiant and gorgeous. I would stare at myself in the mirror and just smile. So it completely baffles and irritates me when I hear other pregnant women complaining about how "fat" or "ugly" or "gross" they feel. Something just isn't right there.
Okay, so that's what I'm REALLY irritated about. Now comes the meaning behind the title of this post. While decorating my belly cast I thought about how I am creating a piece of art. And, how, in actuality my body is already a piece of art. Everyone's is. But, in particular, I think there is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman's body. It is full with life and promise and love. Everything is smooth and round and stunning. I have never had a better body image of myself or more self-esteem than when I was nearing the end of my pregnancy with Sophie. I felt radiant and gorgeous. I would stare at myself in the mirror and just smile. So it completely baffles and irritates me when I hear other pregnant women complaining about how "fat" or "ugly" or "gross" they feel. Something just isn't right there.
witty title
Okay, so I am just going to freestyle for a few minutes here before I have to get back to my (desperate) housewife duties. Yesterday, while voting (for OBAMA, so suck it- I am sick of racists, bigots, backwards people, and regular well-meaning conservatives trying to talk politics with me) I ran into someone I have not seen in years. When she asked what I was up to, I said something about taking care of kids and making kids. I think I meant for it to be funny, but it does kind of make me a little sad. I love my life. I love my husband and his fast-paced, ambitious career that must always come before mine because that's what keeps food on the table and me in my luxury rich-mommy SUV. I love my kids- the one who I chase around and laugh with all day, and the one who is snuggled in my belly throwing me sweet little kicks throughout the day (and night). I love waking up at 8 am and leisurely drinking a big cup of coffee in my pj's before heading out for a fun day of crafts or music or playdates with Sophie. BUT I also used to love earning a paycheck, helping my clients, going out for drinks with awesome coworker friends, feeling like I made a difference in this world, feeling like I was SOMEBODY.............. Choices are tough. I would make the same choice to stay home with my kids again. I know one day I will go back to work and I will treasure the days I'm living now. I am so so very happy to be the one to teach Sophie new things and play with her and read to her and snuggle with her before nap time. Never in a million years would I want to pay someone else to do this for me. At the same time, I am human, and I have yearning for my own time and interests as well. The only time I am ever in a car by myself is when I go to my monthly doctor's appointments (it used to be when I drove myself to the mikvah). Sad indeed. This is the only time I can listen to the music of my choice and eat without passing bits of my snack into the backseat. I have a doctor's appointment on Friday, so woohoo- I can have the 5 min there and 5 min back to myself in just 2 days!
It took Sophie an hour to fall asleep this afternoon, and that was an hour ago. So I'm hoping she'll sleep for another hour, giving me some time to work on a couple of projects, which are (embarrassingly):
1. Israel scrapbook- this trip was 5 months ago and I have barely started.
2. FINISH MY BELLY CAST- before Sophie was born, Shimmy plastered my belly so that I could have a keepsake from my pregnancy. I still have not done anything with this plaster except re-plaster over it sometime in the summer to make it smoother. I better finish this cast before Baby #2 gets here. And no, I am not making another. I have learned better than that.
It took Sophie an hour to fall asleep this afternoon, and that was an hour ago. So I'm hoping she'll sleep for another hour, giving me some time to work on a couple of projects, which are (embarrassingly):
1. Israel scrapbook- this trip was 5 months ago and I have barely started.
2. FINISH MY BELLY CAST- before Sophie was born, Shimmy plastered my belly so that I could have a keepsake from my pregnancy. I still have not done anything with this plaster except re-plaster over it sometime in the summer to make it smoother. I better finish this cast before Baby #2 gets here. And no, I am not making another. I have learned better than that.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Pumpkin Patch 2008
On Sunday, after NOT getting the extra hour of back to standard time sleep (can't wait until the kids are old enough to teach them about that!) we went to North Run Farm. We had so much fun picking our own pumpkins directly from the patch- they give you one for free after Halloween- yay! Sophie loved seeing the animals, climbing on the hay stacks, and playing in the big tires. Here are some pics- sorry there are so many, there were just too many good ones to choose from:
Family pic in the patch:

My belly doesn't look very big in this pic (maybe because of what I was wearing), but you get the effect:

Mommy and Sophie:

Daddy and Sophie:


Being "corny":

Our family:
Family pic in the patch:

My belly doesn't look very big in this pic (maybe because of what I was wearing), but you get the effect:

Mommy and Sophie:

Daddy and Sophie:


Being "corny":

Our family:

Giant Shout-Out
I have to give props to Giant. Grocery shopping with an almost 2 year old is a challenge. Firstly, from the minute we turn into the parking lot, Sophie starts asking for APPLES APPLES APPLES! And what is the first thing we see when we walk into the store? The produce section. Now, unlike crackers or cookies or a box of raisins, which you can open in the store, enjoy whilst shopping, and pay for later, produce is something which must be weighed by the cashier before buying. So those apples taunt Sophie the entire time we are in the store. Second, expecting Sophie to sit in a shopping cart for ANY amount of time is futile. I usually let her walk between me and the cart, "pushing" the cart with me. Thankfully she is a pretty good kid, so she will do this happily. For a while. But expecting her to do this for 30 minutes or more can be unrealistic. Even if she does, by the time we get to the (usually long) check out line she has had it.
Today's shopping experience, however, was almost a pleasure. I decided to let Sophie sit in one of those carts that has the cars attached in front. She loved it. She really thought she was "driving" us around the store, and only tried to get out a couple of times. We made it to the check out line, which was really long. I let Sophie get out and stand in front of the cart with me, preparing for a long wait. Just then, a Giant employee pushed my cart for me to a new line and proceeded to place my groceries on the belt. I looked up and noticed that this check out line had a sign that said "family friendly aisle." After I got over my shock, I thanked her profusely. The cashier then gave Sophie a bunch of stickers and Dora and SpongeBob activity sheets to play with. Sophie got back into the car part of the cart and happily played with the stickers and activity sheets.
So, THANK YOU, GIANT! I am almost looking forward to grocery shopping again next week!
Today's shopping experience, however, was almost a pleasure. I decided to let Sophie sit in one of those carts that has the cars attached in front. She loved it. She really thought she was "driving" us around the store, and only tried to get out a couple of times. We made it to the check out line, which was really long. I let Sophie get out and stand in front of the cart with me, preparing for a long wait. Just then, a Giant employee pushed my cart for me to a new line and proceeded to place my groceries on the belt. I looked up and noticed that this check out line had a sign that said "family friendly aisle." After I got over my shock, I thanked her profusely. The cashier then gave Sophie a bunch of stickers and Dora and SpongeBob activity sheets to play with. Sophie got back into the car part of the cart and happily played with the stickers and activity sheets.
So, THANK YOU, GIANT! I am almost looking forward to grocery shopping again next week!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Back to School!
On Thurday Sophie and I started "school" together! It is the Little Me/February 2's class at Beth Tfiloh. It's a great program that starts out as a "Mommy and Me" and then transitions to a regular 2 year old preschool class. We go together on Thursdays from 9-10:30, then in February I'll drop Sophie off on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-11:30. I am so excited- this is the smooth transition we both needed. We had a great time! We already knew all of the other kids in the class because they were in "camp" with us over the summer. The teachers are really warm and energetic. Sophie loved doing her art project, hearing the stories, singing, playing with the other kids, and jumping in the fall leaves! One of the teachers took pictures and emailed them to the parents that night!

Friday, October 10, 2008
Sophie is growing up so fast! She is really a little person now! I am really enjoying her personality and just hanging out with her. She has become so much more independent. She can feed herself with a spoon and fork pretty well. If I ask her to go do something or get something, she can do it with no problems. She brushes her own hair and teeth everyday. She can even dress herself as long as we are going somewhere where it is perfectly acceptable to be naked with all of her clothes worn on her head.
And Sophie isn't the only one growing- so is our family! We will G-d willing be welcoming another baby in late March! Sophie is very excited to be a big sister :)
And Sophie isn't the only one growing- so is our family! We will G-d willing be welcoming another baby in late March! Sophie is very excited to be a big sister :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Bananas, please!
As parents it is easy to focus on our weaknesses and the areas where we think we can improve. It's nice every once in a while to have a moment where I think I am actually doing a good job! I just had that moment a few minutes ago. Sophie pointed to the kitchen counter. I asked, "would you like a banana?" She said, "yes please." I handed her one. She said, "thank you." I thought, woohoo, I am doing something right here! I realized that I'm also doing something right when out of everything in the kitchen she chooses fruit as her snack. And when someone hands her a lollipop and she looks at them like they're crazy as if to say, "what am I supposed to do with this?" I know that won't last forever and one day some kid with bad eating habits (raised by parents with bad eating habits) will corrupt my child's idea of food that tastes good. But for now I am proud of her food choices and the polite way in which she asks for them!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
What We've Been Up To
Time for an update of sorts!
Shimmy and I went to Rehoboth Beach for Labor Day and left Sophie for her first extended stay at Nana and Poppa's without us. Even though we missed each other we all had a great time! I got to sleep 12 hours straight for the first time in 2 years! The R&R was awesome.

Sophie and I are back into the swing of things with activities. We are still doing Music Together and Beth Tfiloh Little Me resumes after the holidays. We are enjoying playdates and other activities at the JCC. Last week Sophie made a shofar and a honey dish at a Rosh HaShana activity hour, which she loved!
She also recently went to the zoo with her BFF Hadar. They decided to hold hands unpromted!

This past weekend we visited Aunt Deena, Uncle Raffy, and cousins Shalva, Shlomo, and Shmuely in Cleveland. Sophie had a blast running around with her cousins.

We can't wait to celebrate the holidays with friends and family!
Shimmy and I went to Rehoboth Beach for Labor Day and left Sophie for her first extended stay at Nana and Poppa's without us. Even though we missed each other we all had a great time! I got to sleep 12 hours straight for the first time in 2 years! The R&R was awesome.

Sophie and I are back into the swing of things with activities. We are still doing Music Together and Beth Tfiloh Little Me resumes after the holidays. We are enjoying playdates and other activities at the JCC. Last week Sophie made a shofar and a honey dish at a Rosh HaShana activity hour, which she loved!
She also recently went to the zoo with her BFF Hadar. They decided to hold hands unpromted!

This past weekend we visited Aunt Deena, Uncle Raffy, and cousins Shalva, Shlomo, and Shmuely in Cleveland. Sophie had a blast running around with her cousins.

We can't wait to celebrate the holidays with friends and family!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
On Sunday, August 17, Avery, Sophie and I drove down to Charleston, SC to visit all of the relatives. It was a long drive- Sophie and I started out at 8:30am and drove down to Silver Spring. Avery drove us 99% of the way down and we arrived at 8:30pm. Sophie was pretty good in the car, considering. We took her to South of the Border for the first time (of many, I'm sure)! While we were in Charleston we mostly visited all of our family. We also manged to go to the beach, the Battery, Waterfront Park, and the Market. Sophie had a great time! Here are some pictures:
Avery and Sophie at South of the Border:
Sophie and I at the beach:
Avery and Sophie at the beach:
Sophie at the Battery, overlooking Charleston Harbor:
Sophie and her second-cousin Ava:

Sophie playing in the water of the Pineapple Fountain at Waterfront Park:
A "Family" Picture taken by Uncle Arthur: Mr. Kitty, Avery, Sophie, Me
And when we got home I had the biggest, best surprise waiting for me, a brand new Volvo XC90, which I LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Avery and Sophie at South of the Border:

Sophie playing in the water of the Pineapple Fountain at Waterfront Park:

A "Family" Picture taken by Uncle Arthur: Mr. Kitty, Avery, Sophie, Me
And when we got home I had the biggest, best surprise waiting for me, a brand new Volvo XC90, which I LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Mama's getting her relax on
We recently renovated our bathroom to include a double vanity and a large Jacuzzi tub. Here are pictures of the way it was before (this is when we bought our house 4 years ago, so we had decorated it differently, but these are the only "befores" that we have):

And after:

I love my new bathroom! I now have a nice place to de-stress after a long hard day's work of being a mommy!

And after:

I love my new bathroom! I now have a nice place to de-stress after a long hard day's work of being a mommy!
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